
Thursday, March 24, 2016

A Woman Was Hit and Trapped Underneath a Van, Find Out What The By-passers Did!

We have seen a lot of accidents in china where by passers usually neglecting and not helping others in need. Which earned Chinese people the reputation for being neglectful in helping people involve in accidents, mainly because of the trust issues against scammers which caused many being sued by simply helping involve in accidents. However, this video of a woman being trapped underneath a van might restore your faith in China and change the way you see them.

This image caught in a footage shows a woman crossing the street.

When a red van suddenly appeared and hit her knocking and dragging her underneath the van.

A man saw what has happened and rushed to help the victim.

But the woman was trapped underneath the van, concerned citizens started to gather around to help lift up the van and managed to pull her out in just 48 seconds..

Watch the footage here:

Source: YouTube

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